Saturday, March 29, 2008

Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 Release Notes Rewritten in Plain Eng

Ubuntu claims to be a “Linux for Human Beings,” and for the most part they actually do a good job of it. One place they fail miserably is in their release notes - they’re just too damn complicated for anyone who doesn’t know what all the different component names stand for. I decided to rewrite the release notes in simple language.

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All About Linux 2008: Should Microsoft be afraid of Linux?

Does Microsoft fear Linux? Should it fear Linux? Does it fear Linux only in certain sectors, like Web servers, and not others, like the desktop? What exactly does “fear” mean here? Why do I still watch Lost? All important questions that deserve highly developed answers. PBS attempted to answer some of these questions, but that was in 1998.

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VLC Player Vulnerable to Remote Hijack

VLC Player, one of the best and most widely used media players has found to be vulnerable to a remote hijack. The reported vulnerability makes it possible for a malicious user to run arbitrary code, potentially taking remote control of the host machine.

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